

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children

As of March 10th, Vaccine vouchers have started to be sent to Nagano citizens from the ages of 5 – 11 years old. (

It is up to you whether or not your child receives the vaccine. As their parent or guardian, please make this decision after careful consideration.

Children who have long-term illnesses are at higher risk to contract COVID-19 and may experience more extreme symptoms. It is highly recommended that these children receive the vaccine if at all possible.

To get the vaccine, please make an appointment at a hospital that offers vaccines for children. On the day of the appointment, please go with your child to the hospital.

This vaccine is produced specifically for children by Pfizer. It is a 2-shot vaccine. Your child can receive the second shot of the vaccine once 3 weeks have passed after receiving the first shot.

【Hospitals that offer the COVID-19 vaccine for children】

What to bring

1. COVID-19 Vaccine Screening Questionnaire (for both the 1st and 2nd shot)

2. COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate)

3. Form of ID for your child (one form of ID like health insurance card, My Number card, etc.)

4. Mother and Child Health Handbook (Boshi Kenkou Techou))

※Information about the COVID-19 Vaccine for children on the Nagano City homepage (Japanese only)